A dynamic and practical workshop for motivating sales teams

In a volatile, complex, and accelerated world, how do you maintain a positive attitude? And in the face of constant challenges and stressors, how do you develop personal wellbeing? By learning the vital principles of sales leadership, your leaders can help their teams achieve excellent results, through thick and thin.

Give me the Elevator Pitch

The sales environment has become increasingly challenging. But while there is a limited amount sales leaders can do about external factors such as increased competition and recession, there is an unlimited amount of growth they can help their people (and themselves) achieve internally. Essential principles of leadership, such as shifting from selling to value creation, inspiring a shared vision, and embracing a personal culture of accountability, can inspire teams to develop a winning mindset for exceptional results.

Course Content

The course is packed with essential learnings for leaders, including:

The dynamics of a VUCA world

Developing a personal culture of accountability

Inspiring a shared vision

Enabling others to act

Encouraging the Heart

Course details:

Designed for: Sales leadership including sales directors, sales managers, and team leaders.

Short Courses

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